haha.. ss to kill boredom when waiting esther to come fetch me to gym~ wheeee
haha... managed to do handstand bridge*** can stand up too~~ aaahhhh lol
backbone and wrist pain sial!!!
gym class always keeps me happie~ somehow i tend to release my all my stress and forgot every single sad things... tats why i lurve goin gym~ its like my fav place to go~
OMG~! my blog is so dam friggin' D-E-A-D~! lol... was too busy and lazy lately to update it.. sorry readers... muaxxx!!! hmm.. where to start from??? so many things happened recently.. ups and downs, sad and happie, boring and fun~ oh wells...
lol, juz came back from gym class... was very happie cuz i finally can do HANDSTAND BRIDGE ** can stand up wan** lol.. yea, i can do but cant stand bak up... then weiwen, mel cheong, esther and I keep on doing it over and over again.... finally i stood up~! i was freaking happie and i was shouting in the gym like crazy woman!!! too bad mr chong said he din see... bluek =_=' oh well... i did again lu for him to see... heh heh... can stand wor~ dam happie!!!! aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh BOO!!! yea... all these achievements come with hard work and determination... yupp, i hurt my wrist for doing the 'handstand bridge' thing.. haha lol but i find it worthful for i manage to do a perfect handstand bridge ( with a very satisfied and confident look ^.^ ) .. then came bak home mom bought some ramadan buka puasa food.. *yum yum* ^_^
*sigh* had a quarrel with frenz and al,l so yea.... wish me luk in handling it~ it is juz a deep misunderstanding... :) oh wells... life always have ups and downs... i'll juz pray to God so tat one day everything's gonna be back as before =) well, cheer prac for today was cancelled... so as the parents meeting due to the serious h1n1 disease~ haih... miss CHEER ! i miss my cheer coaches>> chee wei, jun kang, cheng choo and alynna~ I MISS UUUU!!! i wanna continue cheer prac~ bluek!!!
yea... and bout my chatbox.. haha, lols i dun really take it seriously though... its okay la my frenz ... juz let them say anything they wan and eventually they'll be fed up and juz shut their friggin mouth up and get the hell out of my blog.... *sorry im abit harsh here** so there's no need to waste time to defend me in my cbox... i dun really mind cuz i know when they get bored they'll juz give up and wont write anything... so juz ignore them...=)
whee... monday goin' genting till tuesday and wednesday till friday will be in ipoh~ so yea, im sorry if i cant go outing or yamcha wif u guys... sorry.. haha, u all juz go la... and have fun~ hehe, i'll join u guys after im bak.... *if my mom let la* i've been going out too often and my parents aren't fine with it ... so yea...
p/s: i miss him lots -.-'
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