last few days, during examz, my dad was nagging me to make myself free on the 6th of june (saturday).... i dun get it why he ask me to do so .... i asked him a thousand times, but he refused to tell me wat's about it.... FINE~! i didnt bother anymore....
until the last day of exam, after i came back from skl, suddenly my mom handed me a letter. i was like : huh? wat's this??? then i opened..... the first word i saw was SCHOLARSHIPS~! immediately i thought of the ASEAN SCHOLARSHIPS that i applied on march.... omgosh~! they reply me ady.... i was so happie, and i read the content.... GUESS WAT~! they informed me to take an exam on the 6th of june at sunway pyramid... 3 papers, general ability, maths and english.... then if i can pass all these 3 papers, i will be called for an interview session, and if i pass again then i really can further my studies at Singapore~~~ aaaaaahhhhh~! i was reali reali reali happy~! i asked my parents : why didnt you tel me a bit sooner?? my mom said : cuz i know if i tel u earlier, u wouldnt concentrate on your exams, cuz i know u're an easily-excited gurl... haha, i guess tat's me~!
so on the 6th of june, i will not be coming for cheer practise nor gym class, cuz the examination last for the whole day.... *kinda nervous though* [sigh] but if i really pass everything, i have no idea whether to go Singapore or to stay here and continue my cheer, studies here..... argh~! gotta make a choice AGAIN~! but, i'll wait for the results 1st, no need to think so far.... FINGERS CROSSED~~
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
i'm bek with many many things to write in my bloggie'
hey peeps.... i know, i know it has been a very VERY long time i didnt blog.... im sorry bout' tat cuz exam,and i'm taking it so seriously tat i do not have time for comp nor online=] well, now i'll start bloggin', frequently teeheee~!
[sigh] many things happened last 2 weeks ( i think )... argh~! i'll start from the very top~
1. he broke up with me on the 8th of may @ 2.15pm sobsobsob!!! cried at night, and gave a phone call to my buds.... more like expressing my sadness... thks for cheering me up and be there when i needed u gals.... so now i'm officially single BUT not available~! never gonna cpl again~!
2. went to have a short short vacation with my families at KL on the 9th and 10th of may, cuz we hav free hotels to stay in, too bad the services was so poor tat my dad even scolded them. took many pictures too! will update it soon
3. school was fine, as usual, but spending most of the time studying and revising as exam was around the corner.... my skl buds and i were studying like nerds~! omgosh.....
4. 2 guys confessed to me, but i didnt accept any of em', b'cuz i'm not ready yet, p/s he just broke up with, i'm sorry ~ real sorry~
5.cheer frenz were so excited about cheer camp and cheer 09' haha.... they all were lyk crazy counting down for cheer camp and cheer 09'..... especially wei wen and jia yann..... =D
6. think i had made a big mistake for asking my cheer frenz to go outing at sunway but i promised my other frenz to go to sunway on the same day. so i cant make it with my cheer frenz, im so so so sorry to wei wen and jia yann.... sorry gurls!!!!
7. examz are now over, felt so relieved~! but when i got bek my exam papers and results, was kinda disappointed bout' the marks.... if my overall position in class is not within 10, i'll surely cry like mad cow... so whenever u see me in skl crying, most probably is b'cuz of this matter.... so wish me luk.... so far, my results i got is sejarah--87, maths--86 ( supposingly it shud be 90++, but i did many careless mistakes....sobz ), KH--76.... argh~ hate KH la....
8. going cheer camp next wednesday.... it muz be a very memorable and fun trip there.... and also tiring, cuz we will be practising from day to night.... none stop, except for bathing and eating la of cuz =)
9. went skl today, regret for going skl cuz teacher wasn't teaching at all, only giving out exam papers tat really freaks me out~! shud hav stayed at home and practise piano.... taking piano examz.... both, theory and practical, july 31st and august 24 respectively~
10. cheer 09' is just around the corner.... july 4th and 5th will be Vulcanz big day as we will be competing in Stadium Bukit Jalil with the all the cheerleading squad in Malaysia. come support us, Vulcanz on tat day, your presence means a lot to us!!!! our aim this year is to be in the top 3~ so yea, its tough.... tat's why we are practising so hard and its not easy~! we sweat like hell, sometimes even hurt ourselves..... all for the sake of winning~! V-U-L-C-A-N-Z Go Vulcanz~!
alright, i think tats all for this 2 weeks.... will blog again tomoro after cheer prac.... haha, melissa coming my house though...
[sigh] many things happened last 2 weeks ( i think )... argh~! i'll start from the very top~
1. he broke up with me on the 8th of may @ 2.15pm sobsobsob!!! cried at night, and gave a phone call to my buds.... more like expressing my sadness... thks for cheering me up and be there when i needed u gals.... so now i'm officially single BUT not available~! never gonna cpl again~!
2. went to have a short short vacation with my families at KL on the 9th and 10th of may, cuz we hav free hotels to stay in, too bad the services was so poor tat my dad even scolded them. took many pictures too! will update it soon
3. school was fine, as usual, but spending most of the time studying and revising as exam was around the corner.... my skl buds and i were studying like nerds~! omgosh.....
4. 2 guys confessed to me, but i didnt accept any of em', b'cuz i'm not ready yet, p/s he just broke up with, i'm sorry ~ real sorry~
5.cheer frenz were so excited about cheer camp and cheer 09' haha.... they all were lyk crazy counting down for cheer camp and cheer 09'..... especially wei wen and jia yann..... =D
6. think i had made a big mistake for asking my cheer frenz to go outing at sunway but i promised my other frenz to go to sunway on the same day. so i cant make it with my cheer frenz, im so so so sorry to wei wen and jia yann.... sorry gurls!!!!
7. examz are now over, felt so relieved~! but when i got bek my exam papers and results, was kinda disappointed bout' the marks.... if my overall position in class is not within 10, i'll surely cry like mad cow... so whenever u see me in skl crying, most probably is b'cuz of this matter.... so wish me luk.... so far, my results i got is sejarah--87, maths--86 ( supposingly it shud be 90++, but i did many careless mistakes....sobz ), KH--76.... argh~ hate KH la....
8. going cheer camp next wednesday.... it muz be a very memorable and fun trip there.... and also tiring, cuz we will be practising from day to night.... none stop, except for bathing and eating la of cuz =)
9. went skl today, regret for going skl cuz teacher wasn't teaching at all, only giving out exam papers tat really freaks me out~! shud hav stayed at home and practise piano.... taking piano examz.... both, theory and practical, july 31st and august 24 respectively~
10. cheer 09' is just around the corner.... july 4th and 5th will be Vulcanz big day as we will be competing in Stadium Bukit Jalil with the all the cheerleading squad in Malaysia. come support us, Vulcanz on tat day, your presence means a lot to us!!!! our aim this year is to be in the top 3~ so yea, its tough.... tat's why we are practising so hard and its not easy~! we sweat like hell, sometimes even hurt ourselves..... all for the sake of winning~! V-U-L-C-A-N-Z Go Vulcanz~!
alright, i think tats all for this 2 weeks.... will blog again tomoro after cheer prac.... haha, melissa coming my house though...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
im afraid..... im scared..... i dare not face the truth nor the decision....
i have no idea wats going on wif me
today felt so moody and emo in class
well, my frenz noticed tat and asked me wat happened?
i wasnt planning to tell
but they were asking consistently
so i juz 'burst' out everything since i can stand it anymore
like confession....
thanks you guys.... lurve u all muchie~!
perhaps, it's my prob
perhaps, i thinked too much
perhaps, it's a mistake from the start
perhaps, it's juz a misunderstanding
argh~! gosh, i cant believe i cry b'cuz of that
anywayz, thanks for giving me so many advices
i felt so great after that 'confession'
i'll think about it.....
haiz..... i'll just let bygones be bygones
and follow the flow....
maybe that's the best way and the only way
wth~! i cant concentrate in my studies anymore...
tat's not the way its suppose to be
[cry] i thought i cud manage both.... but...... haiz
but im not brave enuf to make that decision
i'm scared....
[sigh*cry] im off now....
today felt so moody and emo in class
well, my frenz noticed tat and asked me wat happened?
i wasnt planning to tell
but they were asking consistently
so i juz 'burst' out everything since i can stand it anymore
like confession....
thanks you guys.... lurve u all muchie~!
perhaps, it's my prob
perhaps, i thinked too much
perhaps, it's a mistake from the start
perhaps, it's juz a misunderstanding
argh~! gosh, i cant believe i cry b'cuz of that
anywayz, thanks for giving me so many advices
i felt so great after that 'confession'
i'll think about it.....
haiz..... i'll just let bygones be bygones
and follow the flow....
maybe that's the best way and the only way
wth~! i cant concentrate in my studies anymore...
tat's not the way its suppose to be
[cry] i thought i cud manage both.... but...... haiz
but im not brave enuf to make that decision
i'm scared....
[sigh*cry] im off now....
Sunday, May 3, 2009
bought my new dress
yay~! finally, today my mom brought me to subang parade..... my aunt tag along too! at first we went to parkson to see see look look... well, none of those dress suits me.... then i thought tat i cudn't get my dress today and i felt kinda disappointed....
when we were walking towards the car park.... we walked through many shirts shops larh, coincidentally we saw a boutique which sells quite a number of nice and fashionable dress for teenage gurls.... so we went in and have a look..... i was also thinking tat this is my last hope to get a dress if not i'm going home without a single thing after shopping for several i try my best to find a beautiful dress.... haiz, but i still cant find one.... suddenly my mom shouted "florence! florence! look at this fabulous dress!" i turned around and looked...... WAAAAA!!! i love it!!! yes yes yes yes yes, finally ...... my new dress~! then i try on the same pattern but different colour and eventually decided to buy the pink one.... haha, soooo happie~! my mom ask for a new one and check whether is there any defect..... *snap** it was perfect and my mom bought it for me.... yay~! "thanks mommy!!!" I LOVE YOU~!
finally i got myself a pretty dress for my relative's upcoming wedding dinner.... haha :)
everything went so well for me.... success in everything
cheer prac as usual on yesterday morning 8am
warmed up and waited for the coach to come
coach arrived and asked us to sit down as he wanted to announce something important
he then took out his 'log book' and began to name out those ppl who are in the squad
well, apparently we knew already cuz chikei texted us the day b4 yesterday
coach says there are only 16 competing gurls and 4 subs (i think sooo)
so i started counting while he is reading the names
SURPRISINGLY!!! i am 1 of the 16!!!!! yeah~!
i was so happy when he called out my name
i was like ' yeah! finally i get to go for cheer 2009'
i was so so so freaking happieeeeeeee
after tat coach told us how is the marks given in competition
GUESS WAT~! almost all the stunts and jumps we did in normal practise
only can score 1 or 2 marks out of 5...... waaaaa~~!
practise officially started off with.....
my stunt group~ chikei, ivy, shaujin and i
did all the stunts successfully
until the single base stunts
tragedy strikes
chikei was the single base for shaujin and i'm helping her
spotter was many ppl and 1 of them is ivy
she was suppose to stand behind me in case shaujin falls from her single base
but she went off to remove her ear rings
while we didnt notice her absence and continued doing the stunt
who knows??!?!?!
shaujin fell.... and when coach rushed towards her
she fell onto the ground, hitting her left shoulder and head
she cried so loud as it was super painful
i grab her and let her lay on my thigh
mardhy went to buy some ice and i help to put on jin's head
her shoulder was scratched and bleeding
pn.chen and chikei helped to put on some medication
after a while, she's fine....
phew.... scary moment....
ivy was blaming herself for walking away
but we told her that it wasnt her fault
so i continue stunt-ing with chui pin
jia yann was the flyer
we did elevator, extension and liberty
haha, i was the main base for liberty
didnt know i could also be a base-r
went gym @ 5.15pm.... warmed up again
when we're doing stretching, right front split
i when down and until a limit
i felt tat i cant go anymore further
i looked down
lol, that's the max..... i can do right front split d~!
yay! yay! yay!
chikei saw it too ~haha
at night, had dinner with couz again
for the early mothers' day celebration
cuz my aunt is going back to S'pore
teehee~ it was a delicious meal
i'm going off now
to study sejarah ...
warmed up and waited for the coach to come
coach arrived and asked us to sit down as he wanted to announce something important
he then took out his 'log book' and began to name out those ppl who are in the squad
well, apparently we knew already cuz chikei texted us the day b4 yesterday
coach says there are only 16 competing gurls and 4 subs (i think sooo)
so i started counting while he is reading the names
SURPRISINGLY!!! i am 1 of the 16!!!!! yeah~!
i was so happy when he called out my name
i was like ' yeah! finally i get to go for cheer 2009'
i was so so so freaking happieeeeeeee
after tat coach told us how is the marks given in competition
GUESS WAT~! almost all the stunts and jumps we did in normal practise
only can score 1 or 2 marks out of 5...... waaaaa~~!
practise officially started off with.....
my stunt group~ chikei, ivy, shaujin and i
did all the stunts successfully
until the single base stunts
tragedy strikes
chikei was the single base for shaujin and i'm helping her
spotter was many ppl and 1 of them is ivy
she was suppose to stand behind me in case shaujin falls from her single base
but she went off to remove her ear rings
while we didnt notice her absence and continued doing the stunt
who knows??!?!?!
shaujin fell.... and when coach rushed towards her
she fell onto the ground, hitting her left shoulder and head
she cried so loud as it was super painful
i grab her and let her lay on my thigh
mardhy went to buy some ice and i help to put on jin's head
her shoulder was scratched and bleeding
pn.chen and chikei helped to put on some medication
after a while, she's fine....
phew.... scary moment....
ivy was blaming herself for walking away
but we told her that it wasnt her fault
so i continue stunt-ing with chui pin
jia yann was the flyer
we did elevator, extension and liberty
haha, i was the main base for liberty
didnt know i could also be a base-r
went gym @ 5.15pm.... warmed up again
when we're doing stretching, right front split
i when down and until a limit
i felt tat i cant go anymore further
i looked down
lol, that's the max..... i can do right front split d~!
yay! yay! yay!
chikei saw it too ~haha
at night, had dinner with couz again
for the early mothers' day celebration
cuz my aunt is going back to S'pore
teehee~ it was a delicious meal
i'm going off now
to study sejarah ...
Friday, May 1, 2009
i'm in de SQUAD~!
"common' people listen up"~~~ yeah! lol.... this afternoon, wanted to go to subang parade to get a new dress for my relative's upcoming wedding dinner.... haiz, but didnt go also la, due to *some reasons.... haha so i was like.... STUDYING *** omgosh, cant believe that i'm actually studying already*** exams are juz around the corner.....
i started studying @ 1.30pm lyk tat la..... 1st subject was history.... lol, i read bab 4, by the time i finish till 4.2 which is 'keluarga brooke meluaskan kuasa' ONLY, i slept d~~!!!!?!?!?! lol wth weih.... haha, slept till 4pm something..... i woke up, with my mind still half so call 'not working' i checked my phone whether got text a not..... GUESS WAT~! chikei texted me.... saying that the name list was out and there was a few lines of names, i looked and looked and looked and finally saw my name>>> FLORENCE. immediately i felt a shocked as if someone pinched me.... i was freaking happie~!!?!?!?! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... haha =] i told my dad , my mom , my bro , my frenz , my cousinz..... my EVERYBODY~! lol so so so so happie larh.... haha by then, i didnt have any mood to study anymore.... my mind was flooded with all cheer stuff.... haha..... well, as i said exams are coming so i still gotta study hard! haha!!!!
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