Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Its a full stop. I'm sorry

~ You used to love me
You used to hug me
But what isn't okay
What I have to say ~
OMG!! my blog is soOOooo D-E-A-D!!
yeahh... have been very busy these days... awww!! sorry
anywayss.... just a short update =)
hmm... valentine's day is just around the corner!
LOL thanks to FUND-RAISING for cheerleading club
I've been very headache of the SALEs and blahblahblah
and i went home
Was already half dead... tired!!
nvm that as usual had cheer prac ytd afternoon
and gym's gonna change time
THIS SATURDAY 6pm till 9pm
I'm soooOOo gonna die there!
hmmm... skl's fine
great time with frenz
hahhahah... ooouu lala
=D LOL i can't stop laughing....
LOL yea.... good luck in that yo!
this sat morning gotta go for a competition in summit
wish me luck people!!
sunday.... gotta start DOING....~ eerrr!
LOL can't tell... it's a secret!! heheh *winks*
i think that's bout it~
gtg now!
*fingers crossed* hope i can finish EVERYTHING that
I'm suppose to finish

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